
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Nature is such bliss.

"It is not the language of painters but
the language of nature which one should listen to,
the feeling for the things themselves, for reality
is more important than the feeling for pictures."   
                                   -Vincent VanGogh

There's just something about nature that can soothe the soul.  I feel myself aching for the mountains' rugged beauty in every season.  We live in northern Montana with its spacious cerulean skies that never seem to end.  Glacier National Park is just a few hours away from home here on the plains. 

St. Mary's Lake

The winters can seem like eternity...first snow arrives in October and spring doesn't really arrive until late May.  So do the counting.  That's four months for green grass, leaves, flowers and fully thawed streams.  Oh, and there is no promise we won't see snow from June through September.  I've become very attached to my Fujifilm FinePix S700 camera.  I know it's an older camera and there are better ones to be had. 

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

What Am I Doing?

Wild Rose watercolor 4x6 on CP, sold.

Well here we go... Don't even have a clue what I am doing.  I love all things creative and art is a big part of who I am.  Fitting it into my everyday life is not so easy.  There's this underlying craving to make art and it should be a higher priority.  After all, if that is a fundamental part of my personality, what happens when I neglect it?  Frustration sets in!  So now I'm making more concerted effort to fit in art however and whenever possible.  It's a lot of hassle to haul the sketchbook and camera everywhere BUT what if I see just the perfect recipe for a painting?  The light is great, the composition is ideal, the colors perfect; I can just see it on watercolor paper and know just which hues I would use.  This is my adventure in what happens when wife, mom, homemaker, friend wants to be an artist all the time.