Summers in Montana may be brief but they are beyond compare! My love of this place began while I was in high school. Our church youth group would work hard fundraising all year to pay for a week in Montana at the Clydehurst Christian Ranch. I remember washing windows in homes, painting homes, carrying firewood, and serving many church meals for donations. We'd load up that school bus at midnight and drive for hours. When evening arrived, we'd sleep on the floor of a church in Billings. One year we slept on the floor of an implement dealer. That was a hard floor. That next day, we'd drive to the camp and the surroundings felt like heaven. My dream to live somewhere in a mountain state became specifically a dream of moving to Montana. It's still just amazing that this did come true and I've been here for over twenty years. There's no swimming pool in my backyard. Horseback riding is not my regular free time activity. I could, with so many friends that own horses. That young girl had no idea what life in Montana would look like. There have been several memorable blizzards and I'm lightning fast at grabbing the radio and flashlights...but that's more Nebraska tornado response than blizzard response, huh. Blizzard response is charging electronic devices...right? What would we do if we couldn't play angry birds?!
Sarcasm here, because I hate to say I'm a pro!