
Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Etsy Adventure Begins!

I took the leap and ChristySheelerArtist Etsy shop is Live!

Yeah, so this is the scared, excited, giddy, oh-my-goodness, I'm really doing this face.
Well, no.  I took this last week while taking more attractive selfies for artist bio purposes.  This does reflect my emotional state today though.  It's a little bit unnerving to go through all the set up steps knowing I'm probably just getting started.  I'm a bit of a perfectionist and hate making mistakes.  I overthink things way too much.  (My dear husband would nod his head now.)  It was time to quit talking and do it already!  That's the kind of self-talk going on in my head lately.  

At this point, I've got nine listings posted but will continue adding more,
including the shooting stars paintings and the Indian paintbrush paintings as well.  

In the studio, I am working on several sketches on tracing paper.  I am working from photographs both printed and on the tablet.   It's my goal to complete about five or six sketches to be transferred to watercolor paper by the end of the week.  These are all separate subjects, mainly related in that they were all taken locally.  Local views is the theme.  I've been taking photos as I work to share in next two weeks' posts.  This week I plan to share about another sketch I've completed and the story that goes with it.

The art studio is changing daily and it's a joy to be here during the day.  A little instrumental music on Pandora going on in the back ground now.  After many days of smoke filled skies with the terrible fire season...and a few days just not myself with concern for people I know in the areas evacuated...the sun is shining today.
We continue to pray for rain, the safety of firefighters, those evacuated, livestock and structures.  

I am so excited to share the news about the Etsy shop finally being a reality.

Here's the LINK, go take a look!

I'm so glad you wandered over my way today!  Thanks for stopping in
and feel free to leave me a greeting/comment below.
Take care and I'll be back Thursday.


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