
Thursday, December 3, 2015

Preparing for a Christmas Tea

Tea Time is Lovely

A quick update on my recent activities... It was hard to let Thanksgiving Day pass without an update but I reasoned that everyone else is busy, too.  We have enjoyed my parents being here although our Montana weather challenges them to keep warm enough.  My back continues to heal a bit each day.  I struggle to keep my expectations in check to prevent slowing the recovery.  Just a week ago, I hated using the stairs for the pain involved.  Now that's not a problem.  Just some soreness remains and I'm so relieved to be headed back toward my usual routine.

I've made it further toward ordering fine art prints of my work.  After calibrating my monitor with the method recommended by Finer Works, I see that my photos have been darker in contrast than desired.  I'll need to take some time to be sure the photos I upload are corrected first.  I'm looking forward to making an order of fine art giclee prints.  It's exciting to reach more goals although the process takes more time than one would expect.  

I'm in full-on Christmas holiday decorating and preparation mode.  No shopping done yet though.  That's minor in my opinion.  Our church is preparing for the annual Christmas Tea, now just days away.  Below is a photo of my table last year.  It's such a wonderful way to begin the Christmas season with meaning and truth.  

The scripture I based it on, Matthew 6:26 says, "Look at the birds of the air.  They do not sow or reap or store away in barns and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.  Are you not much more valuable than they?"

I've been simplifying my design for the table this year.  I've taken on more responsibility with the event this year.  I know to maintain reasonable expectations for what I can do well, I need to step back and rethink my goals.  I've been planning my table for months so much work was already done. 

Here are a few photos of the design as I laid it out.  There's more to be added when it's set up but this is the basic idea.  I'm basing this table decor on Isaiah 40:8, "The grass withers and the flower fades but the word of our God will stand forever!"  I've loved having my mom here to work through the kinks in the plans.  I'll take more photos during the decor set up for the event.  Next week I hope to be able to share how it all comes together.

I've got so much to get done before the day is done!  I needed to make more business cards and that process was interrupted with printer problems.  My favorite tech helper happens to be my husband and I appreciated him running home to get the printer and computer talking again.  There's a presentation case and Yupo synthetic paper being shipped...I'm looking forward to getting rolling again with the paints and brushes.  My paint palettes are stored in the refrigerator until I can set up for painting.  I've got red poppies on my mind.  And cute white lambs in front of a red barn.  And cherry blossoms.  And sparrows on bare branches in the snow.  So much to be excited about...fitting it in at this time of year, we'll see how that goes.  Have a great December!  I'll be back soon.

-because she must make art.

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