
Thursday, January 7, 2016

My Winter Views

15 Photographs of My Montana Winter

It's taking more effort to get back into the creative routines again.  November and December were so busy and activity filled; it was too much to fit in my art goals.  We have had a bout with head/chest colds here.  In the process of taking care of everyone else, moms catch the ick, too.  I was able to play with watercolors and Yupo synthetic paper for a few hours.  Such fun to explore what paint does on this plastic surface.  I will share more next week!

This week, I've got a series of photographs taken over the past few weeks.  I'm writing very little today.  The room I use as art studio is our family multi-purpose room.  Art supplies have been stowed away off to the side for a place to wrap Christmas presents.  It's going to take an hour or two to clean up, put away Christmas related items, and set up for art process.  This is the best I can accomplish this week.  

We took a few drives as a family across country roads last weekend.  The sun was low in the sky and lighting was not ideal but I was able to adjust for better contrast.  Maybe there is no snow where you are and I'd like to share photographs the views we have here.  I've been away for a few weeks now and I want to get back into the creative swing of things.  

These were taken at the edge of town; I loved the way the setting sun lit up the horizon.  The shrubs and trees are so dark against soft snow resting on bare branches.

Okay, the last one is taken through a frosted front glass window.  The storm door has glass panes and our cold winter temperatures cause them to be coated with layers of frosty ice.  The Christmas lights shine through the glass and frosted ice crystals.  I just like the abstract characteristic of this one.

Thank you for checking in here...the journey continues!  It's challenging to work the art process into daily life.  I haven't given up at all!  It's been exciting to find my way and I find myself wanting to branch off into other mediums and styles.

Keep your eyes open and alert!  Watch for the glimpses of beauty and inspiration around you.  Even if you have not one artistic bone in your body, a creative way of seeing life is possible.  Be appreciative and aware; there are beautiful moments happening all through out the days.

-she must make art.

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