
Thursday, March 24, 2016

A Vintage Tractor, Society6 & My Sketchbook

This Week in the Watercolor Studio

The studio has been a busy!  The flow of activity is not smooth; adaptive and flexible describes my energy.  While plenty has been happening, the vintage tractor has not had any work done since last Friday.  I'm feeling less focused on writing for today but I do want to share, so bear with me, please.

Update 3/30/16:  I've just realized perhaps I have more to share about this watercolor painting.  I attempted to build a graphic last week but just wasn't happy with the results at that time.  It's all working together much better today.  While preparing to add the graphic at left, I noticed the photographs taken while sketching out the tractor.  With a more detailed subject that needs more accuracy, I take more time to make sure the proportions are correct.  In the coming weeks, I'll prepare to share how I begin a drawing and what tools & tricks help guide the process.  Stay tuned!  Another lightbulb moment!!  I hope you enjoy reading and seeing all I bring to share here along the way.

Copyright 2016 Christy Sheeler Artist.  All Rights Reserved.

Copyright 2016 Christy Sheeler Artist.  All Rights Reserved.

Once begun, the watercolor painting of the vintage tractor moved along quickly.   Within two days, a lot of change took place.  Masking fluid was used to preserve the fine lines on the radiator.  I mistakenly called it a grill while talking about it previously.  Silly me!  I worked on it up until last Friday.  Sadly, it's taking a backseat to other things for now.

Even at this point in the progress of this watercolor painting, there is quite a bit of interest in this painting!  I've had some questions about whether it will be available for sale when complete.  Yes, it will be available to purchase!  Please feel free to contact me for more information.

Copyright 2016 Christy Sheeler Artist.  All Rights Reserved.

Copyright 2016 Christy Sheeler Artist.  All Rights Reserved.
Masking fluid applied to protect delicate lines and spaces.  It is removed by rubbing off once the paper is dry.

Copyright 2016 Christy Sheeler Artist.  All Rights Reserved.
Vintage tractor watercolor painting in progress, Christy Sheeler artist.

On Saturday, my husband and I planned a date night at the art shows for Western Art Week in Great Falls, Montana.  C.M. Russell is the noted American western artist celebrated each March in our local area of Montana.  Dear teen daughter came home mid-day on Saturday sick with high fever and sore throat.  We were able to take in dinner and four art shows before heading home to check on her again. It was our first time in over ten years without kids in tow.  

I was able to spend time visiting with quite a few artists which really inspires me to create more art here at home.  I just love viewing the variety of art; different mediums, styles, viewpoints, and subject matter!  I didn't take any photos.  I thought about it.  I considered working it like a journalist would but decided against it.  Our time together wouldn't have felt like a date and that time together is valuable.  Maybe next year, I'll take a separate day to go for purpose of sharing in a blog post.  I wanted to take a day and attend with another artist but the time flew by and there was no time to arrange such a thing.  Any of my local artists interested?  Let me know!

The items from Society6 were delivered on Saturday (while we were gone) and I was so thrilled!  To see my own artwork on a few items...the quality of the workmanship and reproduction is fantastic.  So far, I'm loving the blanket throw!  It's unbelievable to wrap up in one of my watercolor paintings!  I'm just amazed with what is possible for artwork interlaced with purpose.  The following photos are linked with my Society6 items available for purchase.  There are many more than just these, so be sure to go have a look around to see all that is available.

 Christy Sheeler Artist on Society6

Shooting Stars wildflowers watercolor Copyright 2016 Christy Sheeler Artist.  All Rights Reserved.
Original watercolor artwork and Society6 mug with artwork by Christy Sheeler.

Branch With Blossoms Copyright 2016 Christy Sheeler Artist.  All Rights Reserved.
Branch With Blossoms on tote bag by Society6.

Boats On Lake McDonald Copyright 2016 Christy Sheeler Artist.  All Rights Reserved.
Boats On Lake McDonald original watercolor artwork and throw blanket (68" x 80") from Society6.

Saturday night began the taking-care-of-sick-child routine.  I switched gears and left all art interests on the back burner for these few days.  I took the time to get caught up on laundry (yeah, right like that's possible!) and clean house while monitoring her care.

Amy at the Creative Mom Podcast has put out a challenge to record one cup a day.  A cup is something we use everyday.  Many of us have a favorite cup.  Whether with words, a drawing, a's a challenge to look and be aware and take note of one cup.  Any cup.  I have not been able to keep up with one cup each day.  I have done three in the past two weeks.  That's progress of a sort.  Everyone starts somewhere.  I have listened to her podcasts for years...I didn't listen from the very beginning but would start over from number one if the earliest episodes were available.

While I have been busy and tired, I've somehow made time to get a few sketches done in the sketchbook.  I can't really explain why but I haven't used my sketchbooks for a long time.  In the past few years, when watercolor painting was not a common habit, I didn't sketch very often then either.  My camera was used more often than the sketchbook.  My kids have always been very busy and active.  It was hard to find a quiet block of time to draw,  If there was time without interruption, I was more likely to nap!

One Cup A Day Challenge - No. 2  A second cup of coffee kinda day sketch with pencil.

I believe there's another reason I don't sketch except in planning a painting.  I don't want anything on paper that I am not going to complete to my own high expectations.  I have always wanted to have an art journal...sketches that have loose color and handwritten thoughts incorporated on paper.  Moving from the desire to the doing is crazy hard for me!  I don't get it at all.

One Cup A Day Challenge - No. 3  Blackberry & Pomegranate Green Tea
with pencil, watercolor pencils, and black ink pen.

It's Wednesday.  My two teens are home for their Spring Break.  Six days of taking it easy and enjoying being at home.  A break from school, homework, the routine...time to relax.  The weeks go by so quickly!  They are growing up too fast.  There's so much to be done but if I'm not careful, they'll be gone and I'll have missed it all.

I hope to have some time spent on the watercolor painting in the next six days.  I'm not holding my breath!  I'll take it a few moments at a time.  The days hold mysteries that unfold and we cannot write our plans in stone.  It's a skill to be flexible.  I married a man who makes his plans in the spontaneous, spur of the moment, and waiting to see what happens.  That's not easy for this girl he calls a "Type-A Wannabe" but I've learned to adjust my ways.  I still like to be organized in certain things.  I also enjoy the excitement of taking off at the drop of a hat!

A Few Words About Creativity

"Creative people are curious, flexible, persistent, and independents with a tremendous spirit of adventure & a love of play"  -Henry Matisse

"Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life."  -Pablo Picasso

"Creative minds are rarely tidy." -Unknown

The last one describes me perfectly!  I am selectively organized...with my own organized clutter.

So for now...enjoy your week and consider whether you are the organized or the spontaneous.  If by chance you happen to be both, well...WOW and fantastic for you!  That's not easily done!  Actually, that might be one or both of my sisters.  I'm not sure what they'd say...  How do you challenge yourself to be more creative?  Creative outlet is not just something for those "artist types."  Creativity is a therapy.  Art is worth the time and effort because it changes us all.  I would encourage you to find your own method or outlet for a bit of art here and there.  You won't regret it!

she must make art.

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