
Thursday, March 17, 2016

Art Studio Update March 2016

Let's chit chat about works in progress

I've been a busy girl, wanting to get it all done now, when there's not enough hours or energy to keep up!  There isn't a specific to-do this for each day.  That probably needs to change.  I have a mental list of tasks and goals but no real game plan for each day.  It feels like a bit of chaos.  
I'm sidetracked so easily!  In fact, I've got quite a bit to share so here we go:

1.  Etsy shop new listings

The final two poppies watercolor paintings are now listed in the ChristySheelerArtist shop on Etsy.
These are the originals, 8" x 10" in size, on 300 lb. Arches cold-press watercolor paper.  

 Poppies Sunlit Blooms Watercolor Christy Sheeler Artist
Poppies Sunlit Blooms 2016

 Poppies Sunlit Blooms Christy Sheeler Artist

 Poppies Sunlit Blooms Christy Sheeler Artist

Dancing Poppies original artwork by Christy Sheeler 2016
Dancing Poppies 2016

watercolor painting Dancing Poppies in decorative display basket view

Dancing Poppies matted view Christy Sheeler 2016

2.  Society6 Offers More Options

I've got a few items now available on  I'll give a link to Christy Sheeler Artist here.  This has been so exciting to see how my images appear on a variety of products.  I expect to have some items here in the studio soon.  I'm excited to see the items firsthand!

Here's a few items available with the same image as the original above!
I've linked each image to the Society6 item:

Poppies Sunlit Blooms Watercolor Mug

Poppies Sunlit Blooms Watercolor Tote Bag

Poppies Sunlit Blooms Watercolor Duvet Cover

3.  Giclee Print Options

High quality art prints on premium giclee paper are now available.  Unfortunately, I'm not able to list them in my Etsy shop because I do not print them here in studio.  I've put in an application but have not had a reply.  (Update 4/16  My application is approved and soon Giclee prints will be available in the Etsy Shop, ChristySheelerArtist.) I'm sure the only solution is to have my own website with buy it buttons through PayPal but I'm still working through all the details.  I'm so close to feeling like I'm in over my head at this point.

The shop on the FinerWorks website for my artwork is ChristySheelerArtist.  So at the present time, if you are interested in purchasing a giclee print, they are 8" x 10" with 1" white border.  The price for each is $45.00 plus $6.00 shipping.

Shown here, the original watercolor on left and giclee print on right:

4.  New work in progress...Vintage Tractor.

Switching up the subject matter with a one-of-a-kind vintage tractor.  The day I spotted this at Timeless Tom's shop of second-hand and auction finds, I knew I wanted to recreate it in watercolor.  So much character added with the way it's been put together with various car parts.  The scratches, dents, faded color, and rust add to its overall appeal.  My husband is grinning ear-to-ear over this piece right now.  This is the type of subject matter that gets him excitedly waiting to see an update on the progress.  He's my main resource for accuracy to be sure I'm not getting the parts and pieces all wrong.  

Here are a few photos to describe its development so far:

Thanks for the visit!  I'm bubbling over to share about my art studio activities...  Please feel free to comment and let me know what type of art catches your eye.  Spring is nearly here, that's what I keep thinking.  Soon, the warm sunshine will tempt me away from my palette and brushes.  Until then, I'll be busy seeing how much more paint can be added to the paper!


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