
Thursday, July 21, 2016

The Artist is IN but not HERE...(Cherry Blossoms on Yupo)

Cherry blossoms paintings in process...backgrounds completed.
In the wee hours of the morning, I'd say 5 a.m., the thought occurred to me, "I did not write the weekly blog post."  This entered my mind as I was trying to go back to sleep.  It's been an active and chaotic summer so far.  With a serious commitment to keep on track with my art pursuits, it's a challenge to be sure!  I'm currently working in the beginning stages of quite a few paintings in various sizes...all having cherry blossoms as the subject matter.  I'm also working on a sketch of three lambs which will become both an ink drawing and eventually watercolor paintings in various sizes.  I am still here in the studio, but time is so valuable when I'm able to be in my art room.  

Wood door with fifteen glass panes for my art studio!

I mentioned a few posts back my wish list including a door.  Fantastic news!  I have a door!  After much searching and praying, I'm thrilled to say it is the door I had pictured in my mind.  How crazy is that?!  I'll look forward to checking back in to share photos and tell you all about my progress.  If you are stopping by to check out my weekly share on Thursday, THANK YOU and please continue because I'll be here though not as regularly for the summer month.  I'll sneak in a post as I am able...enjoy your summer and watch for the beautiful everyday views around you!  I apologize for photos being darker than what I normally share.  I'm posting photos from my phone with no editing...time is so precious.

because she must make art.

P.S. A few photos of watercolor painting on Yupo surface (plastic) as a warm up earlier in the week.

Cherry blossoms in watercolor on Yupo, July 2016 Christy Sheeler

close up photo of watercolor pencils

Watercolor on Yupo synthetic surface

©2016 Christy Sheeler Artist & She Must Make Art.  All Rights Reserved.

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