
Thursday, August 11, 2016

A note from the artist.

It's Thursday.  What's Up?

Well, life is interrupting my artistic schedule for a while.  That's just how it goes sometimes.  Our home has been full of activity, projects, Olympics and other random-spur-of-the-moment things.  I'm so ready to get back to the cherry blossom paintings!  My art room has been the focus of some renovations that will make creating here a more happy experience.  I'm working on some great opportunities for presenting my artwork at a local fair.  It's going to be a busy 4-5 weeks along with preparing my daughter and son for back-to-school at the same time.

There's plenty of artwork-related rambling and photo sharing here, so go explore a little bit!  You might find a post you'll enjoy while I try to catch up behind the scenes.

Thanks for dropping by and come again often!  I'll have more stories, tips, and artwork progressions to bring to you.  Watercolor paintings are coming along nicely and it's difficult to set them aside but that's the way life is right now!  The summer is drawing to a close soon so I'm taking time to be with my family and enjoy some downtime.  I'll be back with an update in two weeks!

She must make art.

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