
Sunday, March 18, 2018

An Instagram Update

-The Very Long Winter-

I'd like to give you a brief update on life here in my world.
Winter seems to have a strong grip on us.  We are weary of snow, ice, slush, and cold.  With serious effort, a positive attitude is being attempted so we can keep on with life.  We've had the most heavy and steady snowfall since a week prior to Christmas.  The amount of snowfall and wind have been a challenge not only here but worse in neighboring communities nearer the mountains.  We have had severe cold temperatures that kept the snow from being able to melt off at all.

I try to remember to keep my eyes watching for the beauty in what seems much like Narnia.

There is a lot of wonderful detail in the frost, snow drifts, and shadows created in winter weather. Still, we'll be thankful to put the snow shovel away for a brief 6 or 7 months. Our first snow usually arrives in October.

I am now back to work as the nanny for a local family. My first week of full time adventure with three beautiful kiddos is behind me. It's the best kind of tiring "work" with lots of hugs and cuddles. This past week we worked on a leprechaun trap and I baked banana muffins. We played games and watched Sesame Street among many other daily activities.

Now, before you get all concerned about me losing out on my art creating time and space...I have been giving this some serious effort! I am staying hopeful that my creative energy will still get put to good use in the next few months. Are you on Instagram? You might want to follow me there because I'm most actively sharing what I'm painting on my Instagram account.

It's difficult for me to be away from my blog.  I enjoy being able to write about my adventures with watercolor.  So I'm so glad the number of views and comments continues to grow because this is my way to sharing with other creatives in this fantastic journey.  Hopefully, I'll be able to share my own spring views soon with vibrant green shoots of new life sprouting up from the earth.  The new blossoms will be bursting open to be loved and enjoyed once more.  I'll be able to capture these glimpses of the seasons changing from sleepy winter to sunlit spring.  Here in northern Montana, we're longing for the warmth and glow of sunshine, longer days, and easier travel from one side of town to the other.

She must make art.

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