
Saturday, March 16, 2019

My Big News: My Website Has Launched!

Website is Live,

My Website is Live

I'm doing a happy dance!  One of my big art goals is now reality.  It's been a test of my courage.  I hesitated as we do so often, afraid of the unknown.  Feeling out of my element and knowing that I am running out of time for this to happen, it would mean a lot of hard work.  It wasn't as scary as I made it out to be.

Will you share 30 seconds with me and go check it out?  I would love for you to see my artwork.  While you are there, sign up for my newsletter!  I'll let you know when new artwork is added.

  There are several collections and I'm already planning one or two more for spring and summer.  I will continue adding options to the website such as matting and frame offerings.  

I am off to paint more for the next collection to be added soon.  Stay tuned!


She must make art.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Is it time to begin selling my art online?

Artist Logo for Christy Sheeler, Watercolor Artist with watercolor mountain landscape in the background.

My time is running coming.

It's nearly spring and that means I will be returning to my other job (joy, really) as a nanny.  Spring through fall, I have a dream position caring for the three children of a local family.  As the time approaches, I am carefully taking stock of what I would like to accomplish with my art career.  With just a few weeks left, I am looking over priorities.  I am preparing to debut a website of my own for my watercolor artwork.

Artwork is being photographed to show in its best light.  Over time, I have been building my body of artwork.  I am not sure whether I am 100% ready but that cannot keep me from moving forward.

My word for the year: courage.

I believe this blog will be continued on my new website.  Whether this blog remains as is for art tips and techniques written for other creatives...I have not figured that out yet.  As this all comes about, I will be sure to post information here so that you can find me at my new location.  The new website blog may have my thoughts and insights about upcoming artwork for collectors.

Thank you for your encouragement and interest in the next chapter of watercolor journeys as I continue with my goals.  Please be sure to keep in contact.  I know there's so much more to come!  I look forward to seeing you there!

My online gallery of original watercolors:


She must make art.