
Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Limited Edition Winter Miniatures

Winter Miniatures 2021 © Christy Sheeler 2022
This was the orginal post; same information was posted on Instagram and Facebook at the end of December 2021.

Limited edition watercolor miniatures in a winter theme.  More information on my Facebook and Instagram.  I am excited to offer these in dimensions roughly 3" by 4" all originals painted in watercolors.  Contact me through messenger to claim.  $15 each.  I plan to begin shipping next week.  

The photo shows these miniature originals while still in progress.  I am limiting the number to a total of 30 pieces.  Thank you to those who have already claimed!  I am so excited about finishing these and shipping them off soon.

As I was painting to develop an idea for a winter landscape, a bigger idea formed in my mind.  The amazing and colorful sunsets of winter plus birds perched in the bare branches, and then add snowy drifts that catch the light and cast long shadows.  This was the beginning.  Later, I chose some evergreens to complement the scene.  As I wrote my notes and mixed pigments on the palette, a bold idea came to me.  What if I painted a number of these little winter paintings and offered them to be purchased and shipped within a ten day to two week window of time?

My first little quick sketch with notes. © Christy Sheeler Artist 2022

On a spontaneous whim, I boldly went to Instagram and Facebook with this idea.  I felt foolish.  Crazy how that happens when I step out of my comfort zone.  I reassured myself that if there were no "takers" I can just use these for gift with purchase tags.  Nothing to lose, right?  

My work table with all the minis in progress.  © Christy Sheeler Artist 2022

I had enough to offer just under a total of 30 minature watercolor artworks.  That very same evening after feeling like a fool, the messages began coming in!  To my heartfelt delight, there are dear friends out there (maybe you are one of them) that will jump at the opportunity to have one of my artworks.  Too precious for words, that's what I think of all of you.  Thank you for being with me on this adventure.  When the offer ended, I had just a couple miniatures remaining...and they will maybe go into a future mini winter edition.  The messages I have gotten from those of you who purchased bring a smile to my face even now.

All the pretty minis lined up for painting. © Christy Sheeler 2022

I felt that this orginal post didn't really do the Winter Minis 2021 justice.  So all of this has been edited after the fact to share more detail about this super enjoyable first run.  Now, I am excited to share that there will be more seasonal miniature artwork to come!  I am working through ideas for Spring Minis 2022.  I am sure there will be trees and birds.  Those two subjects seem to be a must for me.  But thinking that big blue skies with fluffy clouds and a few bitty dandelions will be sneaking in, too.

I will be giving my mailing list friends the first dibs at claiming a mini in the Spring Minis 2022.  Are you on that mailing list?  Over on my website,  you can sign up to be included with my new announcements.  Then, I will take the announcement to Instagram and Facebook.

Close up details of a winter mini watercolor artwork. © Christy Sheeler 2022

Me at work in my happy place!  © Christy Sheeler Artist

So, if you joined me for this edition of seasonal minis, thank you very much!  And if you are new to the seasonal minis, please consider purchasing one when they become available.  I will post here and in all the places I share as well.  If nothing else, shoot me an email with Seasonal Art Minis in the description and I will take care of getting you on my mailing list.

Stay warm everyone!

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