
Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Coming Soon ©Christy Sheeler 2022
In December, I had a bit of fun offering a collection of winter miniatures to my followers on Instagram and Facebook.  It was such a success!  The number was under twenty five total.  Each watercolor painting, an original artwork, were 3" x 4" in size.  

I am preparing to begin work on the spring collection of miniatures, limited number to be available.  With under thirty available and each one painted by hand with unique details, no two will be alike.  

Those who have purchased a winter miniature have already expressed interest in collecting from each season.  This makes my heart sing!  I was thrilled with the response to something like this working so well.  I am able to sell my artwork to a those who have a more limited budget...or just need a little bit of artwork to splurge on now and then.

The way this works for me...I begin small watercolor artworks on 3" x 4" watercolor paper.  There are about 30 small artworks in the collection.  These paintings are painted in one short span of time, say about 2 weeks' time.  With a single palette of colors chosen, the paintings have a continuity yet they each have their own "personality."  As I share previews of these mini works in progress across social media, I ask potential buyers to direct message me to claim one.  I may have to set a limit of 2 or 3 going forward.  I create my list as messages come in.  Once the watercolor minis are completed, I begin private messaging buyers with a photo of the miniatures still available.  Payment is taken preferrably Venmo, Paypal, or cash (local pickup).  Once the purchase is made, I prepare the art to ship in the following 2 or 3 days.

Shown below is an example of my first little spring miniature.  It may be finished, I am not quite sure yet.  I will set it aside and glance at it again later...fresh eyes sometimes see something that it still needs to be finished.

Spring Miniature Series Preview ©Christy Sheeler 2022

Spring Miniature Series ideas in process ©Christy Sheeler 2022

Along with spring minature collection, I am preparing to offer the many other miniatures I have in stock in the coming weeks.  By removing these small artworks from my website inventory, I will manage it more easily to bring a spotlight to artworks.  Each release will be in numbers of about ten or less within a week's time.  I am still deciding whether to offer them available like the miniatures were done OR record a LIVE video showing them off and claiming done in the comments.  Separated into smaller categories like flowers, mountains, waterfalls, and prairies/farmlands will help make these into a more enjoyable experience.  And more easily manageable for me.

Assorted floral minis for Flash Sale ©Christy Sheeler 2022

Assorted minis available soon Flash Sale  ©Christy Sheeler 2022

With a few hours of bright sunlight the past two afternoons, I have been able to tackle some artwork photography.  I began by cleaning the floors especially where the sunlight is free of shadows on the landing.  The tripod set up on with a cell phone mount is my usual method now.  I set the tripod on a sheet of foam board as the base for placing artwork.
If all is good with detail and color captured in the photos, I may be ready to move to the next step of cropping and giving each artwork a title.  It all takes time so I'll keep plugging along!

Organizing to new photograph artwork. ©Christy Sheeler 2022

Artwork prices have been updated effective 1/26/2022.  This applies to artwork available for purchase from now going forward.  Private Art Commission prices have been updated as well.  These prices are now listed here on the blog and on my website christysheeler[dot]com.

Testing color with swipes as I work. ©Christy Sheeler 2022

If you are not following me on Instagram and Facebook, I encourage you to do so!  I share so much more in the way of Live video as I paint; I am still a bit unpredictable but hoping to work out a regular schedule of when I go Live on those platforms.

There's my little update on what's happening here.  Thanks for following along.  I sincerely appreciate all the encouraging feedback.  Knowing that you are enjoying my updates is a boost and looking forward to sharing more along the way.

She must make art.

Coming soon... ©Christy Sheeler 2022

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