
Saturday, October 15, 2022

News For Fall 2022

News for fall 2022 and a JRR Tolkien quote.

Let's catch up!

 A quick update is due.  I am still creating artwork alongside new items coming for the holiday season for 2022.  The Wildflower Miniatures are nearly complete with a few details yet to be added.  I am busily preparing for the Cut Bank Holiday Bazaar scheduled for November 5th.  I am creating handpainted 3" magnets and 2.5" wood slice ornaments to be featured at that event.  The brown kraft tags bookmarks with watercolor accents will also be offered at my booth.  I will be bringing bookmarks with fall and winter landscape artwork accents.  I have a few larger artworks to complete so there will be 8" x 10" artwork being shown for the first time there.

One very special project I am working on developing is a watercolor travel kit.  A small metal tin with hinged lid holds ten half pans of Van Gogh watercolor pigments.  I chose ten colors that will be fun mixed in a variety of combinations.  I chose Van Gogh brand for its high quality and vibrancy.  From the Royal Talens company, Van Gogh has really impressed me as a student grade of paints.  I use some of the Van Gogh colors on my own palette.  The kit contains the tin with ten half pans of watercolor paint, two travel brushes, ten mini sheets of watercolor paper and all come in a specially designed bag from a local designer.  These will be available for purchase by November 1st, 2022 but there will be only six kits available.  They are available for $45 before shipping.  Message or email me to claim yours.  Link below to Instagram post with photos.

Watercolor Kit in development.

My website is currently in need of a restyle and on deck to be overhauled in the coming months.  I regret that you cannot shop there at present but be sure to contact me if there is an artwork you would like to purchase and we can make arrangements.  I have been doing some research into using Square Buy-It Buttons here on this website and reroute my website here.  With so many different social media and internet platforms, it becomes a challenge to manage them all very well.

I have several projects scheduled post holiday bazaar but please be sure to contact me if there are artworks you would like to order in time for the Christmas season or projects you wish to talk through for 2023.  I am working in the art studio almost daily and have many things happening all at once.  I am able to make time to interact and visit over art projects so please reach out with email or on messenger.

I have shared this before but honestly the best way to stay informed on activities in my art world is Instagram and Facebook.  Those links are on my Contact Me page.  The tab to click for that page is located directly above the date of this post.

I am still keeping Fall Miniatures in the back of my mind and I do have some possibilities in mind so if that's something you want strongly, please let me know.  I may need to begin them the last week of October and then have a sample or two available both on social media and at the bazaar in order to take orders.

Thank you for hanging out with me for a few minutes!

I'll be back with more information as possible.

Have a great weekend!


-She must make art.

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Summer in my Artroom


My work table with artwork in progress. © Christy Sheeler 2022
A Quick Update

Summer is in full swing yet fall is gaining on me quickly.  I have been having a fantastic time making my way to the art room on a nearly daily basis.  With Farmer's Market being my main focus, many other things have been on dusting, vacuuming, blogging and website maintenance.  So, each week I have been switching out art in frames, creating bookmarks to sell at my vendor booth, and making any adjustments from one week to the next.  I have had such a fantastic time being outdoors even in the heat and at times a gusty wind.  The opportunity to bring my artwork to the public, meet with the community, visit about life in general...and sell a few pieces of artwork...just a terrific experience.  Thank you to all who have taken time to come and stop by at my display.  Your kind words and purchases have made such a difference in a way I cannot fully describe.  There are seven weeks gone and three remaining for this season of Farmer's Market.  I will happily look forward to next season.  And all the months leading up to the 2023 season, I will plan and dream of new ways to add some artwork to items that will bring joy to all of you.

My Farmer's Market Venor Display © Christy Sheeler 2022

My Farmer's Market Venor Display © Christy Sheeler 2022

New changes are coming to my website and so I have put it on vacation until I can give it a refresh this fall.  I wanted to be sure you are reassured my artwork is still a full-time concern.  Fully committed to managing while creating means I will gradually improve with my time and task management.  In the midst of socializing at Farmer's Market, posting and sharing on Instagram and Facebook, creating new work, taking on special orders, and developing new ideas for art products...I know I am missing out on not communicating here with you on a regular basis.  As much as I love posting on Stories on Instagram and Facebook, those video messages disappear after 24 hours and not everyone will go watch on a Highlight.  I will keep working to devote a bit of time on all the different platforms including here.  So if you go to and see it's out of's under construction and there's new work to be loaded but I am setting aside time in September for that project.

A pic of me in front of my vendor display. © Christy Sheeler 2022

Thank you for coming along with me on the adventures of an artist!  I do appreciate every little bit of feedback and support.  Thank you for every positive comment.  Your encouragement and excitement are fuel for the creative energy to continue flowing.

One more thought before I go...Summer Miniatures 2022 is now in motion with this being the window for preorders/claims for those who are interested in purchasing one or two 3" x 4" original watercolor paintings.  The theme is wildflowers.  $15 each with a limit of 20 being made in this collection.  You can choose a type of wildflower or a color family and then I'll help you choose a wildflower in that hue.  Contact me for more information!

Wildflowers watercolors in progress for bookmarks.  © Christy Sheeler 2022

I'm off to sketch wildflowers now...


She must make art.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Spring Miniatures 2022

Seasonal Miniatures 2022 by Christy Sheeler

The color palette of spring is a welcome change!  The first bit of inspiration for this series comes from a larger artwork I painted last summer.  I was taken back by the view of many branches against a blue sky with a bird perched there on a branch.  Imagine the views birds must have!  And with the return of robins being one sign of spring, I was sure this must be the bird to include in these little artworks.

If you are not on Instagram or Facebook but would like to preview the finished artworks, please email me at the one shown on my contact information page.  I am very happy to help you preview these and you can choose one.  Are you on my email newsletter subscriber list?  My website is linked and there, you can sign up for my newsletter!  All is a work in progress but I will do my best to help you find my artwork as it is completed and available.


-She Must Make Art

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Coming Soon ©Christy Sheeler 2022
In December, I had a bit of fun offering a collection of winter miniatures to my followers on Instagram and Facebook.  It was such a success!  The number was under twenty five total.  Each watercolor painting, an original artwork, were 3" x 4" in size.  

I am preparing to begin work on the spring collection of miniatures, limited number to be available.  With under thirty available and each one painted by hand with unique details, no two will be alike.  

Those who have purchased a winter miniature have already expressed interest in collecting from each season.  This makes my heart sing!  I was thrilled with the response to something like this working so well.  I am able to sell my artwork to a those who have a more limited budget...or just need a little bit of artwork to splurge on now and then.

The way this works for me...I begin small watercolor artworks on 3" x 4" watercolor paper.  There are about 30 small artworks in the collection.  These paintings are painted in one short span of time, say about 2 weeks' time.  With a single palette of colors chosen, the paintings have a continuity yet they each have their own "personality."  As I share previews of these mini works in progress across social media, I ask potential buyers to direct message me to claim one.  I may have to set a limit of 2 or 3 going forward.  I create my list as messages come in.  Once the watercolor minis are completed, I begin private messaging buyers with a photo of the miniatures still available.  Payment is taken preferrably Venmo, Paypal, or cash (local pickup).  Once the purchase is made, I prepare the art to ship in the following 2 or 3 days.

Shown below is an example of my first little spring miniature.  It may be finished, I am not quite sure yet.  I will set it aside and glance at it again later...fresh eyes sometimes see something that it still needs to be finished.

Spring Miniature Series Preview ©Christy Sheeler 2022

Spring Miniature Series ideas in process ©Christy Sheeler 2022

Along with spring minature collection, I am preparing to offer the many other miniatures I have in stock in the coming weeks.  By removing these small artworks from my website inventory, I will manage it more easily to bring a spotlight to artworks.  Each release will be in numbers of about ten or less within a week's time.  I am still deciding whether to offer them available like the miniatures were done OR record a LIVE video showing them off and claiming done in the comments.  Separated into smaller categories like flowers, mountains, waterfalls, and prairies/farmlands will help make these into a more enjoyable experience.  And more easily manageable for me.

Assorted floral minis for Flash Sale ©Christy Sheeler 2022

Assorted minis available soon Flash Sale  ©Christy Sheeler 2022

With a few hours of bright sunlight the past two afternoons, I have been able to tackle some artwork photography.  I began by cleaning the floors especially where the sunlight is free of shadows on the landing.  The tripod set up on with a cell phone mount is my usual method now.  I set the tripod on a sheet of foam board as the base for placing artwork.
If all is good with detail and color captured in the photos, I may be ready to move to the next step of cropping and giving each artwork a title.  It all takes time so I'll keep plugging along!

Organizing to new photograph artwork. ©Christy Sheeler 2022

Artwork prices have been updated effective 1/26/2022.  This applies to artwork available for purchase from now going forward.  Private Art Commission prices have been updated as well.  These prices are now listed here on the blog and on my website christysheeler[dot]com.

Testing color with swipes as I work. ©Christy Sheeler 2022

If you are not following me on Instagram and Facebook, I encourage you to do so!  I share so much more in the way of Live video as I paint; I am still a bit unpredictable but hoping to work out a regular schedule of when I go Live on those platforms.

There's my little update on what's happening here.  Thanks for following along.  I sincerely appreciate all the encouraging feedback.  Knowing that you are enjoying my updates is a boost and looking forward to sharing more along the way.

She must make art.

Coming soon... ©Christy Sheeler 2022