Friday, July 12, 2024

Background photo of purple and yellow violas with title Painting Pansies.
Watercolor classes have begun again!  Two afternoons of painting pansies here in the art studio was amazing time spent together with several friends, both old and new.  All of this began with a thorough cleaning and reorganizing session to make the space better suited for sharing with other painters.  

Because the violas have been abundantly reseeding and growing in my garden (more than ever!), and their shape and colors are both simple and inspiring, I chose pansies (violas, johnny jump-ups) as the theme.

A photo of violas, miniature pansies.

In time, I will become much better at spreading news of upcoming classes.  I apologize for not sharing a post here in advance.  I am slowly getting back into the steps of publicizing watercolor classes.  I am sharing on Facebook and Instagram along with an email list.  If you are interested in getting notified my email, please send me an email letting me know.  At present, my classes are only offered here on location in my home art studio.  It's most easily managed with a smaller group, my own studio setting, not needing to pack up supplies, more flexible scheduling, and my set up can be days in advance.  This space has a calming and relaxing atmosphere by design.  Over the years, it has been modified in a lot of ways to benefit functioning as a creative space.

Painting work space with paper and paints.

The lighting in my home studio has been switched out for a much better experience.  I am amazed at the difference from before and after.  It's like daylight is pouring through sky lights!  Evening and winter painting will be better without the need for multiple task lights.  

Painting around the leaves with watercolor.

In June of 2024, I offered two afternoon classes and had a few students each day.  I did not have either class fill up completely so July's class will be offered on only one afternoon.  I have not had anyone contact me requesting an evening or Saturday class so that may not be necessary.  I would be more than happy to accommodate anyone wishing to schedule a private event for six to nine students at one time.  

Finished example; watercolor painting of violas.

I was preparing to write a post about July classes and realized I didn't share about June classes.  Oh, well it is all a work in progress anyway.  Allowing myself some grace, I will share these thoughts and photos of one of the examples I painted for class.  July class information is coming soon!  As of today, the next class is twelve days out.  The theme is going to be a really fun one to explore and I encourage everyone to play with finding their own inspiring photos.  I am off to paint a few examples and will return to share more soon.

-She must make art.


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